I'm the sort of person who enjoys reading about other people's experiences on sites and with doing things. I've read lots of blog posts now by book bloggers about being a book blogger, about getting ARC's, about being on Netgalley, about writing reviews to deadlines, all these sorts of things. So I thought I would give back a little, for all those other people like me, and write about my first month on Netgalley! I hope you find it interesting.
First confession: I was ensnared by free books. Free, advanced copies of books. I honestly don't think that there is anything wrong with this: I like books, I like reviewing books, and I like saving money. I knew I would read and write reviews for any books Netgalley gave me. The first one I snagged was something I had had my eye on for a little while: The Princess Saves Herself In This One, by Amanda Lovelace. This was available for anyone to read, you didn't have to be approved. Perfect! I read it, reviewed it, and moved on. And then I started requesting books. Lots of books. Since most of them weren't approved or rejected for at least a week, I didn't really realise how many I had requested.